Step 1: Ask a friend or colleague to help you really take a look at your posture when you’re sitting engrossed at your computer. Have your buddy sneak 3 candid pictures of you during the day when you’re working. And remember to return the favour!

Step 2:
Time for the slouchy truth.
At the end of the day look at the pictures.
Is your head in line with your hips, or is it jutting forward like a turtle?
Are your shoulders relaxed, or hunched up and rolled forward?

Step 3: Hatch a plan to create a new habit of sitting tall. Put a post-it note on top of your monitor that says Sit Tall! You can ACE your posture by keeping your head, torso and hips aligned, spine lengthened. See how to set up your work station below.

Source: https://posturemonth.org/sitting-habits/